Derek Lowe – Page 8

  • Opinion

    Column: In the pipeline


    The map of scientific disciplines is growing ever more complex. Derek Lowe surveys the country

  • Opinion

    Column: In the pipeline


    'Natural products are back!' is a headline Derek Lowe has seen several times before

  • Opinion

    Column: In the pipeline


    Drug discovery is an inherently risky business. Derek Lowe tries to balance some of the risk equations

  • Opinion

    Column: In the pipeline


    Enzymes have been giving chemists inferiority complexes since day one, says Derek Lowe. But there's no denying their potential

  • Opinion

    Column: In the pipeline


    Some medicinal chemists can't get enough fluorines in their molecules. Derek Lowe explains the love-hate relationship

  • Opinion

    Column: In the pipeline


    Who's that asleep at the back? Don't be too quick to blame yourself when tedious talks and soporific seminars fail to inspire, says Derek Lowe

  • Opinion

    Column: In the pipeline


    Should companies focus on big markets and the blockbuster dream? The more modern approaches are not without risks, says Derek Lowe

  • Opinion

    Column: In the pipeline


    Derek Lowe investigates the comeback combinatorial chemistry has made in the field of drug discovery

  • Opinion

    Column: In the pipeline


    Derek Lowe considers the quandaries of living in the age of the kinase

  • Opinion

    Column: In the pipeline


    Derek Lowe reminisces about lost laboratory techniques and wonders which will be next to go

  • Opinion

    Column: In the pipeline


    Derek Lowe ponders the possibility of phosphatase inhibitors

  • Opinion

    Column: In the pipeline


    Derek Lowe looks into his crystal ball to see what the future of medicinal chemistry might be

  • Opinion

    Column: In the pipeline


    Derek Lowe wonders whether tagging molecules with fluorescent labels for assay is like tracking the members of a shoal of fish by tying each one to a whale

  • Opinion

    Column: In the pipeline


    Derek Lowe waxes lyrical about the joys of the electronic lab notebook

  • Opinion

    Column: In the pipeline


    Derek Lowe takes a tour of the 'instrument graveyard'

  • Opinion

    Column: In the pipeline


    Derek Lowe wonders whether peer-reviewed papers or patents are more reliable

  • Opinion

    Column: In the pipeline


    Derek Lowe takes a look back over his 20 years as a medicinal chemist

  • Opinion

    Column: In the pipeline


    Is the pharmaceutical industry churning out copycat versions of existing therapies? Derek Lowe dispels a few myths about 'me-too' drugs

  • Opinion

    Column: In the pipeline


    Derek Lowe advises opening your mind during the screening cascade taken by potential drug targets, and remaining goal orientated at all times

  • Opinion

    Column: In the pipeline


    Derek Lowe discusses the problem of leaning too heavily on favourite reactions