
来源:©2020 Daniel Reker et al .



该软件名为LabMate。毫升,suggests a random set of initial conditions – such as the temperature, the amount of solvent and the reaction time – for a specific reaction, with the aim of optimising its yield. After those initial reactions are carried out by a human chemist, their resulting yields are read with nuclear magnetic resonance and infrared spectroscopy, digitised into binary code and then fed back into the software. LabMate.ML then uses a machine-learning algorithm to make decisions about the yields, and then recommends further sets of conditions to try.

研究员蒂亚戈罗德里格斯里斯本大学的LabMate如是说。毫升usually takes between 10 and 20 iterations to find the greatest yield, while the number of initial reactions varies between five and 10, depending on how many conditions are being optimised.

“一开始,模型不是很好,但LabMate。毫升starts suggesting which experiments we should perform next,’ he says. ‘As more data becomes available, the models start improving and the predictions start approaching what we get in the chemistry lab.’

根据具体的反应,LabMate。毫升can determine its optimum yield in a few days – much faster than a purely manual method, Rodrigues says.

在9项概念验证研究中-包括药物发现中使用的Ugi 3组分反应,Buchwald-Hartwig交叉偶联反应和Horner-Wadsworth-Emmons烯化- LabMate。ML的表现与人类化学家专家小组相当。



LabMate。毫升is open source and runs on a desktop computer – the whole system requires only a single chemist and common laboratory equipment, which makes it much cheaper to operate than fully robotic systems, Rodrigues says. He thinks LabMate.ML will be an inexpensive approach to yield optimisation for labs that may not have access to what are – so far – relatively costly chemistry robots.


这就有了LabMate。毫升a window of several years in which it can be useful, by freeing up human chemists to focus on other laboratory tasks, he says. ‘The goal was not to find a substitute for a chemist, but to develop a tool that could help chemists.’

